Jeff made me do this dumb test

What do you think? Is the test correct? Does this describe my personal dna?

My Personal Dna Report
By Carolyn On Thursday, March 30, 2006 At 10:25 AM

Fancy needs a 'trained' shot!

I'm back! We had a long spring break but it was lots of fun!! My sister and her kids were here the first of the week. There was never a dull moment! My car got broken in to at the Nature Center. They stole my purse. We didn't get to see the black bears mo ved from the White River to South Arkansas because of the rain. And the night before they left, Daniel had to go to the emergency room for a busted chin!! Even with all the mishaps we had a blast. It did not slow us down a bit.

The end of the week we went to the Little Red River with some friends. We went trout fishing and 'snipe' hunting. The kids and adults had a blast. It was freezing cold. I am still thawing out!!

Yesterday, a puppy lab found its way to our yard. I am sure Dr. AKN Dolittle had something to do with it. The dog was precious. We discovered right away that the puppy had obviously been 'trained'. She could sit on demand. And she would fetch and 'stay'. Adelyn quickly bonded with Amelia. That is what we named her. And both Sam and Adelyn were so impressed that she was so trained and obedient. We warned them that Amelia was someone's pet and not to get too attached. They played in the backyard with her, fed her and introduced her to our cat and dog. That was a site!!! The chihuahua wouldnt stop shaking and barking. And we didn't see the cat for hours. Just when Adelyn got good and attached our new neighbor came over. She asked if we had her puppy. You should have seen the look on Adelyn's face. It was complete betrayal! The funniest thing was later on in the day. I was taking Adelyn to dance and she spouted off in the back seat "When are we going to take Fancy to get her 'trained' shot?". It took me a minute to register what the heck she was talking about. I could not stop laughing when I realized that she had been stewing about why her dog couldn't do all the tricks that Amelia could do. And she thought all it took was a trip to the vet. OHHHHHH! How true is this of me!! I would much rather get a quick fix than endure the discipline!! Crash diet instead of change my eating habits and exercise! Depend on Jeff's preaching than read and study the Word for myself! Tell the kids to sit down and shut up instead of actually communicating and explaining things. The list goes on!! But I love what it says in Hebrews12:11. 'Now, discipline always seems painful rather than pleasant at the time, but late it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it." WOW!
By Carolyn On Wednesday, March 29, 2006 At 10:05 AM

Spring is here and I am too busy to post!

OK! I am still here. Life has been a little hectic! All my friends make blog entries like it is brushing your teeth. To me it is like writing that dreaded English essay that you wait to the last minute to do. Why did I get myself into this!!! Anyway, spring is in the air at the Noble house or should I say 'spring cleaning'. My sister, her 5 year old twin boys and 6 month old little girl are flying in today for Spring Break. We are so excited. Well, all of us but Jeff. He is trying to find some place to go in all the excitement. He said to me yesterday "I am thinking of some place to go in the next couple of days". I said "You will be going to Divorce court if you don't change your attitude". He didn't have a come back. I was proud of my comment. I surprise my self sometime.

Also, this week I actually paid someone to rake my yard. It looks awesome!!!!! It looks like the whole yard has been vacuumed. It has never been so clean. If you need a yard man let me know! Having a clean yard inspired me to buy flowers and put together the coolest present I got for Christmas from my step dad. You can see in the picture that it is a steel rod and base where you tilt and fill three to four ceramic pots. Isn't it cool? All the women in my family got one. Way to go Hunter!!

Don't expect a post anytime soon! It is Spring Break and I am not writing anymore essays for a while!!:)
By Carolyn On Thursday, March 16, 2006 At 8:24 AM

One of my many projects/tasks

Today will feature Sam's photo work. He has his own digital camera and he captured a great shot yesterday in the midst of one of my many projects. I always have a project. Why or where I get these crazy ideas I do not know( I am sure it is genetic) but it drives my husband in sane. I started this swing hanging project yesterday. This swing has been sitting on the ground for almost a year. I couldn't stand it another day so I went to the farm supply store to get some cable. As you can see in the last photo, the hanging project was not the greatest. Sam captured the shot right as the cable popped. Just look at the expressions on their faces. I was rather proud of my future photographer. And today it was another task- rearranging the living room which involved Jeff having to totally rewire the tv and his beloved surround sound system. Its like I can't stop. Some are addicted to porn, smoking, food, etc. I am addicted to projects and I can't sleep until they are finished. Sometimes the projects are in my head and if I can just write it down on paper it calms things for me until I can actually get my hands dirty. Its crazy! Many of you have been affected by this addiction. For that, I am sorry! I do hope I helped in some way though!!

I Corinthians 3:5" What, after all, is Appollos? And what is Paul? Only sevants, through whom you came to believe-as the Lord has assigned to each his task"

Maybe some of my 'tasks' are good!!
By Carolyn On Wednesday, March 08, 2006 At 10:08 PM

I'm sorry! I was thinking about cabbage.

It is that time of year in Monticello when the daffodils are in bloom. Every year I take my kids photos out in a field by our house. The last two years Sam has not been in the photo. It is kind of sad. But Sam and flowers do not mix. Sam and baseball, Sam and football, Sam and videogames, Sam and his new blog. OK, but not flowers. Thank goodness God blessed me with one of each because I could never choose between watching Sam play sports or Adelyn picking flowers. It is great!! Sam's latest thing is the saying "oh, I'm sorry! I was thinking about cabbage!" He says it right when you think he was paying attention to you. And it is usually said when he does not want to answer the question being asked. He is a joy even though he never will or never has been much on expressing himself. Maybe his blog will help!!

I hope those who love to read blogs don't get tired of me reading into things. It is kind of scary actually writing down how my mind thinks. Anyway, today while I was taking photos of Adelyn I got to thinking about my life. Without too many details, my life is like the above photo of the daffodil. It is beautiful but a little out of focus. I let my thoughtlife go hog wild and my worries get my world spinning. But the minute I give it over to the Lord things get back into focus. And I can see the beauty of life and this world so much better. I love how God does that for us. Even though I am usually back in the same boat an hour later!! But thank God He is faithful!!

Luke 12:27 "Consider how the lillies grow. They do not labor or spin"

By Carolyn On Saturday, March 04, 2006 At 8:55 PM

I am a blogger! oh my gosh!!

I can not believe I have given in to such peer pressure. My husband, Jeff, has been blogging for quite some time and at first, I have to admit, I thought it was rather a waste of time. Then my girl friends all get on the band wagon. Its like Jeff's groupies or something. Weird!! Then my 8 year old son starts his own blog. Which is good considering all the pressure of the GREAT Arkansas Benchmark test that expects 3rd graders to write essays like 7th graders. So what do I do. I give in. It is like I can't resist having a "daily on line diary for all the web to see". ( I got that from Stacy Reed's perspective of blogging.) So this is my feeble attempt. And for those who know me well, I have to have a task at hand. I will post a photo with each blog and a thought or story to go with it! Life is hard but, you know, it is a lot of fun too! And if my photos and thoughts can brighten someone's day maybe blogging is for me!

OK so here is the story! Adelyn, my 6 yr old, goes to bed whining last night about not feeling good and saying she just needs to sleep more. I am thinking that she must be getting sick because she usally is not like this. So this morning she wakes up and the first words are more whining. I told her to go back to bed and I gave her some Motrin. Right as Sam and Jeff leave for school she runs out of her room, dressed, smiling and ready for school. Off she goes or so I think. At noon, I walk by her room and this is what I see in her bed. I started to panick. I kept saying as my world was spinning "I know she went to school, I know she went to school". The closer I get the faster my heart beats. I see her ponytail. I pull back the covers and... it was just a pillow and her American Girl doll that looks like her. I start crying and laughing at the same time. I am also releaved and mad at myself at the same time. Then it hits me that she planned all of this. She wanted to get me and she got me good. For those who know me well, she is JUST LIKE Jeff and his sister, Amy. They keep you laughing and guessing all the time!

This reminds me of how we can let circumstances and unmet expectations rule our thoughts and emotions to a point we miss out on the joy that God has for us. How many times have I been in a situation where I make it more than it really is and fret and worry. In the end I look back and see where God was there all along showing me the way. I could have skipped all of the chaos if I had only trusted and obeyed Him in the first place. I am glad He still loves us and you know He laughs much like I did today!! Nehemiah 8:10b "for the joy of the Lord is your strength"

By Carolyn On Wednesday, March 01, 2006 At 5:40 PM
My Photo
Location: Monticello, Arkansas, United States

Spend most of my time behind a camera and computer or in my suv toting my kids to the baseball field or dance studio. My favorite place is home with Jeff and the kids. They keep me laughing!!

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