It is that time of year in Monticello when the daffodils are in bloom. Every year I take my kids photos out in a field by our house. The last two years Sam has not been in the photo. It is kind of sad. But Sam and flowers do not mix. Sam and baseball, Sam and football, Sam and videogames, Sam and his new blog. OK, but not flowers. Thank goodness God blessed me with one of each because I could never choose between watching Sam play sports or Adelyn picking flowers. It is great!! Sam's latest thing is the saying "oh, I'm sorry! I was thinking about cabbage!" He says it right when you think he was paying attention to you. And it is usually said when he does not want to answer the question being asked. He is a joy even though he never will or never has been much on expressing himself. Maybe his blog will help!!
I hope those who love to read blogs don't get tired of me reading into things. It is kind of scary actually writing down how my mind thinks. Anyway, today while I was taking photos of Adelyn I got to thinking about my life. Without too many details, my life is like the above photo of the daffodil. It is beautiful but a little out of focus. I let my thoughtlife go hog wild and my worries get my world spinning. But the minute I give it over to the Lord things get back into focus. And I can see the beauty of life and this world so much better. I love how God does that for us. Even though I am usually back in the same boat an hour later!! But thank God He is faithful!!
Luke 12:27 "Consider how the lillies grow. They do not labor or spin"