OK! I have to admit. I am addicted to American Idol. And my children are right there with me. I have overly influenced my children, especially Adelyn. Yesterday she asked me if just teenagers wrote songs. I told her that anyone could write songs. Later after dance, baseball etc. we went to eat with some out-of-town friends. Adelyn invited one of her new friends to go with us to Ameca. They thought they were so big as that ate alone at their own table. On the way home Katherine, her newest friend, taught her some kind of hand clap. Katherine learned it from one of her older sisters and considering her tiny self she could do the hand jive with much soul. Before long Adelyn and her bright white skin picked it up quickly maybe not as jivey though. When we got home she asked Jeff if she could make a CD. She wanted to see if it was possible and she wanted him to help her. After receiving the ipod to do her first recording she asked him how she could sell her CD in Walmart. OH MY GOODNESS!! What have I done! After 4 recordings last night I proudly introduce her first debut single "Boom, Slap, Clap". Enjoy!

Boom, Snap, Clap by Adelyn Noble

I heard you said yourself
that you don't know a
handshake that I know
that I learned from a friend
I learned from a friend
I learned from a friend
It goes like this with a
Boom, Snap, Clap
Boom, Snap, Clap
Boom, Snap, Clap
Hey, Hey, Hey
By Carolyn On Friday, March 09, 2007 At 8:57 AM
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Location: Monticello, Arkansas, United States

Spend most of my time behind a camera and computer or in my suv toting my kids to the baseball field or dance studio. My favorite place is home with Jeff and the kids. They keep me laughing!!

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