"But some doubted"
Oh my, life has been wild!! I think this blog has only made me realize my life is way too busy. I mean really, I ALWAYS overplan myself. Tuesday I had an oncology check up in LR. Things look great. I will have a catscan in June to make sure. "Lord, I praise you for that!" Tuesday afternoon I set up at my sister-in-law's house in NLR for some photo shoots. From Tuesday at 4pm until Wednesday at 5:30pm I never stopped taking photos. And it was kids under the age of 6. I squatted ten thousand times and chased kids all over Amy's house and yard just to get that perfect shot.(Thanks Amy and James for all your help and letting me use your beautiful house.) Anyway, needless to say, I am so sore. I can hardly walk. Who needs exercise, become a photographer. I got home Wednesday night. Thursday Sam and I got up at 6 am to watch who got kicked off of American Idol. Can I say we are hooked. Then after we got the kids off to school. I frantically ran to Walmart , considering I have no groceries. I had to be a Adelyn's school picnic and egg hunt by 8:45 am. This lasts all day. At 3:15 I take Adelyn and 3 of her friends to dance. From 3:30-7pm I have 4 customers at my studio that I had to throw back together from the LR trip. Now remember I have to squat to take photos!! OUCH! Never the less, my night ends on a high note and a perspective check. Some friends invited us out fo the Passover supper.WOW! Brandy and TJ Files went all out and it was so special. It was great for me. So relaxing and a great prepatation for Easter after a wild week. We washed each other's feet, searched the dark house with candles for yeast, and we all took part in the meal that was SO about Jesus!! How awesome that even the ritual of passover meal way before Jesus came was all about Him. And it was so awesome for the kids to see Easter is all about Jesus and not the Easter Bunny.
OK! to my'Proof Positve' point. I dont know why I think I have to have a point. The photo above is of Adelyn playing ball with Sam and Mason. Check her out playing catcher. Thanks to Sam showing her all the ropes. Sam has a great arm, but she was not intimidated one bit by that ball. YET- she will NOT play softball. We have tried and tried to get her to play. She would be great. She is fast, She can bat, and now I know she could even catch. Whether she DOUBTS her ability or what. I do not know. She is a character!
At the end of Jesus' time here on earth, after the resurrection, MT 28:17 says'when they saw Him they worshipped Him, BUT SOME DOUBTED'!!!! We would say here in our 'assurance of our salvation' attitude,"Why on earth would they DOUBT?" They SAW Him. They experienced everything. They were right there with Him. Maybe they too were so caught up in their details of life- even the details of the crucifixion and resurrection- that they never stopped and took it all in. May we learn from them and His word. May we stop the details of our life and never doubt His life and His love. Have a blessed Easter!!
By Carolyn On Saturday, April 15, 2006 At 8:31 AM